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Hero, Hub, Hygiene.

Good that you are getting started with your 'Hero-Hub-Hygiene Storytelling Strategy'! On this page we explain the strategy and give some practical examples of how different organizations apply this useful strategy in their marketing.

1. Hygiene.

Always gives your visitors answers to important questions.

2. Hub.

The engine of your storytelling. Inspire your audience daily or several times a week.

3. Hero.

A few times a year go big with an event, commercial or manifesto, for example.

The Hygiene content.

Hygiene or help content answers the most important questions of your target group. Consider for example:

  • Website
  • Who, what, where, why, how
  • Mission and vision
  • Brand (identity)
  • FAQ
  • Instruction (videos)
  • Conditions
  • Product information
  • Prescription
  • Packaging
  • Prices
  • Customer testimonials
  • Video Sales Letters
  • Social media pages
  • Name on building
  • Google business page

A good example is your municipality's website. If all goes well, it should be clearly recognizable, easy to navigate and provide the information you need as a citizen. It contains information about housing, renewing documents, the municipal council, taxes, accessibility, etc. In short, the most important information you need as a resident. 

By properly developing the hygiene layer, you save time (fewer unnecessary telephone calls), help you choose your target group and remove any barriers from potential customers. 

A B2B software supplier is the first to show what problem the service solves and as a retailer you provide information about products, conditions, reviews and, for example, updates on offers and discounts. 

Good Hygiene content doesn't have to be boring. It can sell, amaze and call to action. But the main goal is to inform your target group.

The Hub content.

With Hub content you inspire your target group. By consistently sharing relevant information you build a bond of trust. Consider for example:

  • Social posts
  • Newsletter
  • Podcast
  • Behind the scenes
  • Interviews with employees
  • 'Minute with' videos
  • People stories
  • Whitepapers
  • Reports
  • Magazine
  • How-to videos
  • Roadshow
  • Posters
  • Books

Good Hub content inspires. A call to action is fine, but the main goal is to inspire your target group.

The Hero content.

The Hero content is the showpiece of your storytelling strategy. Once or more times a year you present a large, beautifully produced campaign.
Consider for example:

  • Commercials
  • Brand manifesto
  • Event
  • Product launch
  • Personalized messages
  • Pop up store

Hero content is often a large campaign aimed at (potential) customers. This 'top of funnel' content is to create more awareness for the brand or a specific product.

Think of product launches and seasonal campaigns. By responding to emotions you plant a seed. Successful use of Hero content requires good planning and preparation. Make sure there is a budget for the development of the concept, the development of the content and the distribution of your campaign. Without a plan, you might have some cool videos, but they won't make the impact they could make. A shame, because good Hero content affects your target group. In fact, everyone should want to see your Hero content.

Nice theory, but how do big brands actually apply this in their marketing? View some examples of Hero campaigns below.


Visma supplies leading business software. With the launch of their new e-invoicing system, Visma faced the challenge of bringing attention to their new tools. The new way of invoicing saves time, effort and money. But, for it to work properly, the software must be set up by both the customer and the supplier. They need to work together.


Mobility and payment platform XXImo was launching their Apple Pay integration. To create awareness and show how useful and valuable XXimo is, they asked us to develop their product launch campaign.

Control your storytelling.

Optimize your content planning
To effectively apply the Hero-Hub-Hygiene model, it is important to maintain good planning. Big ambitious plans are great, but it is important to spread your resources well over the three H's.

A good rhythm of good basic content, regular inspiring posts and several large-scale campaigns per year will keep your target group involved and strengthen your brand. 

If you would like to discuss how you can apply the Hero-Hub Hygiene model within your company, please send us a message.

One story could change your future.

Strong brands do not 'just happen'.
Strong brands are built day after day with the power of storytelling. Because real people are 'wired' for flesh-and-blood stories.