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Wageningen University

Masters campaign

student campaign

Recruitment campaign.

Challenge client

Wageningen University is a globally acclaimed and top-ranked academic body in agriculture and life sciences. Yet it is a challenge every academic year to attract the best students to Wageningen.

Our vision
Studying goes beyond just sitting with your nose in study books all day. As a student at Wageningen, you often stand with your feet in the clay. Literally. That must suit you. To get the best students interested in the programs offered at Wageningen, we want to give an honest picture of life as a student.


A video campaign in which students and professors give an insight into life at the Wageningen university.

It was great: not only did Koekepeer carry out the assignment, but also provided (unsolicited) advice to improve our communications.”

Mia Holleman

Communication and information, Wageningen University

One University,
endless stories.

Impact starts with curiosity.

One story could change your future.

Strong brands do not 'just happen'.
Strong brands are built day after day with the power of storytelling. Because real people are 'wired' for flesh-and-blood stories.